cutting out gluten & dairy

birth control

googling your symptoms

expensive supplement protocols

various wellness trends

piecing together conflicting advice

talking with your doctor (they didn’t listen)

strict food plans

requesting labs & getting denied

The reason most people struggle is because they’re throwing random things at symptoms (not root causes), think the answer is in the next promised plan (instead of simple foundations), and don’t know where to turn for ACTUAL support.
My Heal Your Period Program is your complete, step-by-step guide to heal your hormones and have symptom-free periods without MORE stress.
The thing is that the missing pieces are actually super simple:

Uncover your root causes - WHY you’re experiencing symptoms

Incorporate nutrition & lifestyle foundations - that are sustainable, feel good, and apply to YOUR specific situation
My clients often have a better period within 1 month!
You're not going to cut out a bunch of foods or start a major life overhaul - who wants that?
You're going to uncover the root cause of your symptoms and incorporate simple & sustainable nutrition and lifestyle foundations that work for your body.
Heal Your Period was created just for you - natural solutions that actually work.
You want pain-free periods & symptomless cycles. You:
- have a painful period
- long or heavy period
- struggle with PMS or PMDD
- have endometriosis, adenomyosis, or fibroids
- experience mood swings, irritability, low energy, or anxiety around your period
You want to finally manage your PCOS with ease. You:
- have or suspect you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- have a missing or irregular period
- have long menstrual cycles (more than 35 days)
- struggle with acne, hair loss, or unwanted hair growth
You want to ditch birth control without scary symptoms. You:
- are still on birth control or recently stopped in the last 3 months
- stopped birth control more than 3 months ago
- were on it for more than 5, 10, 15+ years
- worry about or already have experienced symptoms like hair loss, acne, or period issues
And no matter what your symptom combo is - you are sick of being told they are normal and leaving your doctor's office with a prescription to birth control or an antidepressant.
In Heal Your Period I'll teach you how to:
- determine your 4 cycle phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation, luteal
- track your period, cycle, and ovulation accurately with confidence & ease
- put together balanced meals & snacks - without counting calories or grams
- develop a healthy relationship with food - and put food rules in the past
- balance your blood sugar - crucial if you get hangry, shaky, or dizzy between meals
- plan meals easily - even if you don't like cooking
- build a stress toolkit
- exercise in a way you actually enjoy - that's sustainable and not punishment
- reduce hormone-disrupting chemicals from everyday products
- heal your gut issues - and how to dig deeper into what's going on
- create lasting happy hormone changes
- determine which supplements to take - and which to leave behind
- figure out what labs you need - and how to get them done
- find additional health support as needed
I've already taught hundreds of clients how they can drastically improve their period symptoms simply & effectively. Are you next?
Imagine the freedom of pain-free, predictable periods, & symptomless cycles!