You've been struggling with period symptoms that show up like clockwork month after month or have been having trouble trying to conceive and you might be thinking that hormone testing is your next step to figure out what is going on??
Except you've been running into some issues:
01: Your doctor won't run a hormone panel
You walked into your appointment with a list of tests you wanted to check and they said "we don't do that", "talk to your OBGYN", or "that's not necessary".
02: Your doctor did run a hormone panel and told you everything was normal
You're frustrated because you know deep down something MUST be going on with your hormones, but you got the test and were told "everything is good".
03: You didn't know you had to test at a specific time in your cycle
You went into the lab on a random day because you didn't know to test at a certain time in your cycle so your results may not reflect what is actually going on.
04: You got your lab results back and only like 2 or 3 things were tested
You really want a deep dive to understand what is out of range and what is causing your period symptoms and fertility struggles.